Latest Instagram Trends You Should Be Using

Many business owners ask us what social media they should be using. If you chose to use Instagram as part of your marketing efforts, we want to share some of the latest trends to help you get the most impact out of your Instagram profile.

Lifestyle Content
There’re lots of things you can post on Instagram that doesn’t have to be product shots. Post some lifestyle content. Sherwin Williams used an attractive image to showcase one of their new colors called “Butter Up” with a description that said “This farm-fresh color has us smiling from ear to ear.” The image made it easily relatable.

Another example might be a fabulous looking room. A particular wall color, for instance, can be easily relatable when you can see it in action.
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Branded Hashtags
Not only is it catchy, but it’s also a good way to engage your community and gain brand awareness. However, you shouldn’t stop here. If you are going to use a branded hashtag, you need to follow it through and use it everywhere – your business cards, email signature, and all your other social media profiles. When used consistently, a branded hashtag encourages people to use it. For example, you can give away a coupon for one randomly selected hashtag user or run another hashtag branded promotion.
Our friends over at Terminal Gravity Brewing use several branded hashtags: #drinktg, #middleofnowhere, and #centeroftheuniverse. Remember, the hashtag doesn’t need to be your company name. It can be a word or phrase that aligns with your brand.

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